Maritiem Digitaal

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A wonderful voiage round about the world

titelA wonderful voiage round about the world 
signatuur8 C SCHO 
museumMaritiem Museum Rotterdam   Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
makerSchouten, Willem Cornelisz. 
uitgeverDa Capo Press [etc.] 
pagina's[8], 82 p. 
annotatieFacs.-uitg. van: The relation of a wonderfull voiage made by William Cornelison Schovten of Horne : shewing how South from the Straights of Magelan, in Terra Del-fuogo : he found and discouerd a new passage through the great South Sea, and that way sayled round about the world : describing what islands, countries, people, and strange aduentures he found in his saide passage . - London : Newbery, 1619 
geografische naamZuid-Amerika 

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